
our adventures

10th annual Christmas baking

Well, this year was different. Sylvie and I had set aside December 3 to do our annual baking, but very unexpectedly, Kirby had to go home to Alberta to say goodbye to his mom. More on that in another post, but for now, suffice it to say that Kirby was flying back to Ottawa on the 3rd so Sylvie and I shifted our plans and decided to do something over FaceTime.

I’m very glad we decided to go ahead with a virtual version because this year we tried needle felting. I’ve been curious about needle felting for quite a while now, but never seemed to make the excuse to dive in. And that’s the magic of our annual baking sessions, we make the time to try new things. So I set out my supplies and called Sylvie on FaceTime.

We shared tips and tricks that we saw online and started working on our pieces of felt. After about an hour I had finally shaped my felt into a bell (thankfully that was the goal).

And Sylvie had worked her felt into two balls (which was also the goal).

This was a very interesting medium to try out and I am very excited at the potential of all the three dimensional things we can make.

So as you can see, there was no baking this year. And it was a little shorter than usual. But I’m glad we kept the tradition alive and were flexible enough to make the most of the time we had.

One comment on “10th annual Christmas baking

  1. Danielle Ducharme
    December 22, 2022

    Fantastic. You’ll have to show me how to do this

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This entry was posted on December 21, 2022 by .